On the first day of summer, we all eagerly awaited three glorious months of rest and relaxation. But as the days passed, has any of that relaxation started to turn to boredom? If you’re looking for fun, but still productive, ways to entertain yourself this summer, we’ve got a few ideas for you!
- Get an internship. An internship is a great way to boost your resume, while getting real world experience.
- Pick up a book. Whether it’s one of your favorites or a new novel, grab a good book, find a comfy chair and start reading!
- Learn to play an instrument. Ever wanted to learn the guitar? How about the piano? There’s no better time to learn than the summer.
- Learn how to cook. Skip the frozen pizza and spend a free night learning how to make a few great meals.
- Learn a language. Whether through an in-person class or by book, knowing another language (or at least the basics of one) is never a bad thing.
- Visit a museum. Check out a few museums in town or venture into a nearby city.
- Tutor others. Help others, all while making a little extra money? Win, win!
- Take a Class. Make life easier for yourself when school starts up again by getting ahead of your class requirements now.
- Set a fitness goal for yourself. Whether it’s to complete a marathon at the end of the summer, or to join an intramural sports team, physical fitness benefits your body and mind.
- Create your resume. You’ve been doing all these great things, now it’s time to put them down on paper.
Not sure where to get started? Whether it’s your personal or professional life, Debra Solomon of Spectrum Strategies helps people of all ages find their path on the way to success while having a learning or emotional disability.