1. Compensation
Before accepting any job, do some research on what other companies in your field are paying. While salary plays a major role in your lifestyle, it also speaks to how that company treats and values their employees.
- Is this a normal salary for your job field?
Are you being offered additional perks, like paid time off and 401(k) contributions?
2. The Work
You know the saying — “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
- Does this type of work excite you?
- Does your work require you to use skills you already have?
Will you be working with other people frequently, or do you predominantly work alone?
3. Company Atmosphere
While the work you’ll be doing is certainly important, you also need to consider what the cultural environment is of the company you’re considering. After all, you’ll be spending 40 hours a week there!
- Are the company’s values in line with yours?
- Is the company transparent and honest?
Do you like the people who work there?
4. Your Future
Especially for teenagers and young adults, it can be hard to think about what life will be like in 10 or 20 years — but it’s important you think about your future prospects today.
- Does this company promote within?
- Do they encourage you to grow and expand within your role?
- If I decide to leave in the future, will this company and work add to your resume?
Are there networking and training options offered to you?