While a resume states what you did in high school or college, a cover letter states why you did it. With employers desk’s flooded with hundreds of resumes, cover letters are a great way to stand out from the crowd and add your personality to the application process. The only question is, how do you do that!? If you’re looking to land your dream interview, here are a few tips that will help improve your cover letter.
Make it company specific. A resume should be tailored to you and your successes, while a cover letter should be tied back to the company you are applying to. Before you write your cover letter, research the company’s mission statement, values, charitable donations, etc.
Brag, but not too much. If you’re really good at something, make sure that is clear. You’re fighting for a position that several other qualified applicants also want, so don’t be afraid to show that you know your stuff. But, don’t be too cocky or arrogant in your cover letter. Instead of explaining just how qualified you are, instead tell how your experience will benefit your potential future company.
Be original and be yourself. Cliché lines or quotes about what a hard worker you are won’t get you too far. Instead, add your own personality to your cover letter — if you’re funny, be a little funny, if you’ve overcome a challenge, talk about it. Employers want to see that there is a real person and a face behind the application, so don’t be afraid to get a little creative.
Use social media to your advantage. Most potential employers will look at your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn page before they even call you for an interview, so make sure they are portraying the best version of yourself. Highlight your community involvement, scholastic accomplishments, and extracurricular activities online.
Are you or someone you know looking to find your path on the way to success, while having a learning disability? Debra Solomon of Spectrum Strategies helps young adults with autism and other learning disabilities identify their strengths and challenges to help them find a job, vocational program, or college that best fits them!