Spectrum Strategies 
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host 
I like to start with the end game
but with that being said,  the moment I
met each camper on the first day of the Independence Course  I looked  into each of their eyes and studied them to
know their strengths and to understand their obstacles that get in the way
of their Independence! I left the first day matching pictures to names and
knowing each campers voice needed to be heard. These campers were capable of
creating the foundation and road map to navigating the landscape of life! The
most important thing was to match up different campers’ strengths with others
challenges in order to become a team, a community, where we are all winners. We
started every day with an ice breaker activity that was connected to that days’
lesson. The lessons varied from discussing skills needed in the future to how
to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We introduced an exercise of the day and
showed the campers that exercise doesn’t need to have its traditional meaning.  We did yoga with incredible Veronica, the
Yoga instructor, they were hesitant at first but at the end they were doing
yoga poses and understood the mindfulness associated with yoga. We discussed
making healthy choices in their diet to cooking a meal and assigning jobs to
setting the table to appropriate dinner table conversation. Also, Dr.
Steve, the Camp Doctor, spoke about Sex Education and sparked the conversation
by having the campers anonymously put questions in the doctor’s hat. They were
great questions and they handled themselves very maturely.
knew the magic was beginning with each passing  day with a great
supporting cast of committed counselor’s who helped make a topic like
budgeting, time management, bullying , peer pressure,  fun by acting out
different scenarios. Campers felt empowered by learning skills to stick up for
themselves when different situations occur. We took a fieldtrips to Wal- Mart,
The Exotic Pet Shop, Alpine Meat Processing and Restaurant, and Dave’s Super Dupper
where the managers talked about different job opportunities and ways to make
yourself appealing to your employer. We did “Speed Interviewing” for jobs or
colleges. They were interviewees and interveners. Their eye contact, body
language and questions were right on. The best thing was they felt confident
and started having fun I knew they crossed over. They were like sponges absorbing
everything that I had taught them.
 As I sit here and write this, I am overwhelmed
with emotion and pride for this incredible group of campers. Our success
with the campers can be attributed to breaking down lessons to language they
understand or could relate too! That is what teaching is all about. Whether it
is physics, law, or life skills they need to be applied to the real world.  Like any great novel
or play everything came together at the end. and with each lesson they kept
laying brick upon brick and some days we had to take one brick off and put one
back on. The common thread was the campers kept making progress and we created
a strong foundation filled with many sizes shapes and colors that makes the world
such an interesting place. These campers will have the confidence to take risk
and recognize how many options they have in their future with the help of a
roadmap and A Bright Summit Camp Spirit that gave each one of them the inner strength.
I knew my job was done here and the pupil became the teacher and the teacher
the pupil. I will be forever humbled from my time at Summit! 

~Debra Solomon