If you’re considering coaching services, look no further than Debra Solomon and Spectrum Strategies! Have you asked yourself, “Why do I need a coach?” Here are  a couple of reasons why a coach could be beneficial to you:

  • A coach can help you to create realistic goals and lead you down the right path to achieve those goals.
  • Your coach can help you break down your goals into smaller, more practical steps to help the process be more effective.
  • Your coach will provide you or your child with valuable life skills that can be applied to all areas of your daily life.
  • Whether you’re transitioning into college, the vocational world or the work force – creating a plan that is tailored to each individual is a vital part of the process and will put you on track to achieving all of the goals on your road map!

Spectrum Strategies is also proud to announce a new coaching service!

Start Date: May 1, 2016
Be a part of a community, sharing ideas, setting goals, finding motivation and support while working through challenges is what Debra’s new coaching sessions for small groups will be creating.

Focusing on life strategies in small groups of 2 or more, Debra will serve as your guide in:

A Typical Day in Your Life: Manage Time and Daily Responsibilities

  • Making Your Life More Productive: plan your life path and develop productive steps to meet your goals
  • Managing Your Life: cope with the nitty-gritty of everyday life management
  • Fit For Life: improve your skills to handle personal and professional roles and the daily challenges of school and career

For more information on Debra Solomon and Spectrum Strategies, please visit us online today at www.spectrumroadmap.com.