Spectrum Strategies
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host

Day Six we talked about going on an interview for a job or college and I gave them a group of interview questions and we did speed interviewing for 60 seconds at a time and they all had great eye contact and learned a lot from this exercise. We discussed the value of time management and each camper reviewed a typical weekday in their life. We went to fitness room and showed them how to go through circuit training and even the campers who never exercised before recognized how they had more energy afterward and the value of exercise for your mental and physical health.
Day Seven we discussed how important a well balanced meal is and reviewed recipes and selected one that covers all the food groups. We then went to the supermarket to buy items and we will cook the meal on Thursday for dinner. We had a tour of an Exotic Pet shop as well as Walmart and the managers discussed all the different job opportunities. It was a great day and it got the campers thinking about what type of jobs they would be interested in.
Be sure to check our Facebook page for more updates from camp!