Spectrum Strategies 
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host
For most college students, difficulties lie in studying for finals and completing lengthy research papers. But for students on the autism spectrum, daily activities such as getting gas and planning a route to school prove to be more challenging. Although individuals with autism are not new to college campuses, their enrollment has been increasing at an exponential rate, and therefore colleges are beginning to realize the importance of catering to their needs.
For example, schools such as the Rochester Institute of Technology offer Spectrum Support Programs to assist students on the autism spectrum with tasks such as creating a resume, networking and preparing for a job interview. While this program caters to more independent, high-functioning students, other schools such as Mercyhurst University in Erie, PA offer an entire residence hall that is specifically for students on the autism spectrum. For those who are looking for even more individualized attention, Nova Southeastern University has begun to work with students to create a plan based on their own individual needs. As always, it’s important to be aware that the cost of tuition at each of these schools heavily depends on the size of services received.
Are you looking for a college that can help your child succeed? When it comes time to choose a college, we suggest looking into several schools since not all programs are exactly the same; you might find that one may fit your child’s needs more than another. 
To learn more about how colleges are expanding to help those on the autism spectrum, click here.
For more information on Spectrum Strategies, visit us online at www.spectrumroadmap.com or give us a call at (516) 822-3150