Spectrum Strategies 
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host
Spectrum Strategies is dedicated to training young adults on
the Autism Spectrum to accomplish life and career goals by planning a roadmap
to success.  Founder and professional
coach, Debra Solomon, believes that through determination and commitment, every
client has the ability to successfully accomplish all goals.
Debra Solomon has both personal and professional experience
with individuals on the spectrum and can help steer young adults in the right
direction using the proper skills and techniques. See below for Debra’s insight
on her experience:
“Over the past twenty-two years, I have taken a journey with
a family member who is on the Autism Spectrum that has dramatically changed
both of our lives. From the moment I became aware of their developmental delays
and ultimate diagnosis, I relentlessly researched the subject matter until I
was able to formulate a strategy and roadmap for success. I would love to share
my wisdom and coaching skills in order to enable others to achieve these
winning results.”

For more information on Spectrum Strategies, visit us online
at www.spectrumroadmap.com. You can
also give us a call at 516-822-3150 or email us at debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host.