The transition from high school to college is one that students dream of for years. But once that change becomes a reality, it can quickly start to feel a little overwhelming. If your child is heading off to college, here are a few ways you can help calm their nerves and improve their mental health.
Spectrm Strategies How to Teach Your Teen Good Mental Health Habits Before College


We all know exercising is good for your body, but it’s also a wonderful way to deal with stress, improve your sleeping habits, and meet new people. This summer, take a look at some of the sports or fitness classes your child’s school offers and encourage them to join one.


Make a List
Whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed, one of the best things you can do is make a list of everything you have to do. This will help alleviate the pressure of trying to remember everything, and allows you to physically see (and feel good about) what you’ve already accomplished. Before your teen goes off to college, help them make a list of everything they’ll need for the upcoming school year.


Be Grateful
Some of the happiest people on Earth are those who are genuinely grateful for the little things in life. This summer, practice being grateful with your child. The next time you just make a green light or witness a beautiful sunset, share your gratitude with others and ask what they’re grateful for. You can even keep a gratitude journal and write down what you’re grateful for at the end of every day.


Find Your Flow
Have you ever been so excited by what you’re doing that you lose track of time? This feeling is referred to as flow. People who experience flow on a regular basis are less likely to be depressed and more likely to be happy with their overall life. Whether your child is interested in art, science, theater, or volunteering, encourage them to join a club that they’re interested in.


Whether your teen is interested in going to a charter school, two-year college, or four-year University, Debra Solomon of Spectrum Strategies helps young adults with autism and Asperger’s find their way to success! To inquire about coaching details, including fees and scheduling, please contact Debra Solomon at or at 516-510-7637. You can also complete a brief form and we’ll be in touch with you.