Spectrum Strategies 
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host

Day Three at the independence course started with a game of Headbanz and Taboo. The campers enjoyed the activity and the object of the game is to ask quick questions using a 60 second timer. All of the campers enjoyed a bit of competition!

The game Taboo helps you to use your imagination and develop team work strategies. It also helps to highlight the importance of working together to achieve a common goal. We then moved on to discussing the importance of brushing and flossing your teeth. Although the campers know how to do that, the goal was to do it on a consistent basis and if not done what could happen to your teeth and gums.

After snack, we did our exercise for the day which on day three was Simon Says with various exercise moves incorporated. Everyone got to be Simon and fun was had by all. I then introduced how to write a resume and activity sheet for high school and what some of the common phrases used. All of the campers then brainstormed about the activities they did in high school. By doing this and sharing activities with each other, they discovered a lot more activities they participated in and opened themselves up to new ideas and activities to get involved in.

Day Four started with an ice breaker game, two truths and a lie. This really got the campers warmed up and ready for the day ahead. After the conclusion of the ice breaker, I set up a sweeping game in order to display the importance of being neat and organized. Then came our exercise for the day which was a push up contest. After the contest, we moved on to how to properly fill out a college application. We then went down to the pool for some fun relay races. It was a great day and everyone enjoyed all of the interaction among the camp community.

We’re looking forward to updating you again later in the week on the Independence Course. For more information, please visit us online at www.spectrumroadmap.com.