Spectrum Strategies 
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host

The Braverman’s, one of America’s favorite families, has invited us into their world since Season 1. Dating back to March 2nd, 2010 and have invited us back each and every week through last weeks Season 5 finale episode on March 17th. What is so real and touching about this show is despite any family members personal opinion or knowledge of someone’s challenges in any area  of their life,  the common thread of the 
Braverman’s is support, support and more support for each other. 

For example the family supports Max by educating everyone in Max’s world on what it means to have Asperger’s Syndrome. This enables the audience to understand how Max’s mind operates and all his incredible gifts. Each character like in real life, is unique and special and have different abilities that help shape their world. This show helps us be mindful and aware of being tolerant  and open to people’s differences and feel comfortable inviting Max or any young adult on the Spectrum into your living room or your business community. Alessandra  Stanley of the New York Times describes the show as “Coming of Age Drama For All Ages”.

The good news is, if you have not had time to watch Parenthood from the beginning you can catch Season’s 1-5 on your computer or television.

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