Spectrum Strategies 
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host

Since children and young adults are off from school, families often use the summer months to their advantage and book a family vacation. But with so many amazing places to visit around the world, how does one choose where they’ll go? While the process of selecting a destination is already a difficult one, it can be even harder for those who seek special accommodations to meet every family members’ needs. If you’re looking to take a vacation that specifically caters to an individual on the spectrum, we suggest a Royal Caribbean cruise!

Royal Caribbean International has been named the first certified Autism Friendly Cruise Line by Autism on the Seas. All ships under Royal Caribbean have acquired a Bronze Level Certification, acknowledging their readiness to accommodate guests with autism or other developmental disabilities. This family friendly cruise line recognizes the importance of making their products and services accessible by everyone, and therefore have made adjustments to make sure guests with autism and other developmental disabilities have equal opportunities to participate in their programs. 

Some of their services include:

  • Priority boarding and departure
  • Menus that include gluten-free and dairy free food products
  • Adventure Ocean grouping by ability opposed to age
  • Adventure Ocean toilet-trained policy exception
  • Phones available for parents of children in the Adventure Ocean program who are being cared for by Royal Caribbean staff

Whether your family member is an adult, teen, or young child, Royal Caribbean has just what they need to enjoy their stay. For more information on Royal Caribbean’s autism friendly products and services, click here or check out their frequently asked questions!

To learn more about Spectrum Strategies, visit us online at www.spectrumroadmap.com