Spectrum Strategies 
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host

Spring Break is coming up for many next week. Here are a few suggestions for parents to keep in mind for the week! Let us know what you think on our Facebook page.

1) Have patience. Having your kids home with lots of down time can be stressful at times. Take lots of deep breaths,
2) Be mindful of your children’s interests and feelings. Kids need to relax and decompress. Sometimes doing nothing but chilling out is OK!
3) Plan a few structured activities throughout the week so you have something to look forward to.
4) The temperature is finally rising and the sunshine is all around! Take advantage of it. Get outside for a nice walk around your neighborhood, releasing endorphin’s is great!
5) Ask your kids what THEY want to do! Find out what interests them and make sure you let them have a chance to try something they want to do – even if it’s not your first choice.
6) Try making a plan with someone new that you don’t always see or spend time with.
7) Read a good book, this is always relaxing during down time.
8) Take some pictures. If you’re going on vacation – this is a great way to create lasting memories.
9) Set limits on electronics. It’s easy to waste the day away on computers, video games, ipads and cell phones.
10) Make sure to set aside family time (dinner) this way you have a chance to gather together and reconnect from busy schedules.

Spectrum Strategies hopes everyone enjoys spring break! For more information on Spectrum Strategies, visit us online at www.spectrumroadmap.com.