Spectrum Strategies 
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host

The Summit Independence Course began on July 22nd and is off to a wonderful start! We have 20 campers that recognize how important it is to develop certain life skills that will help them to succeed in various aspects of their day to day life. This course will help to give them the tools they need to have a strong foundation as they develop into young adults.

All of the campers started with creating an action plan in areas of their life that they would like to improve. The campers were very engaged and have a lot of different goals they want to work on throughout the next twelve days. Some of the topics of the day have included peer pressure and bullying. We discussed what peer pressure and bullying is and the campers came up with their own scenarios and skits as a group.

We have also went on a field trip to the Alpine Meat Processing Factory and restaurant where we took a tour and discussed the different job opportunities in that field. We have also covered how to properly write a check and balance a check book. All of the campers participated by having blank checks and a check registry.

All of the campers seem to be really enjoying the experience and learning new skills. At the conclusion of each day, we discuss the highs and lows of the day as a group.

Spectrum Strategies is so happy to be a part of this program and will keep you updated as camp progresses. For more information on Spectrum Strategies, visit us online at www.spectrumroadmap.com.