Spectrum Strategies 
516-822-3150 / debra@spectrumstrat.tempurl.host

Last weeks episode of Parenthood was extremely complex, and dealt with the many challenges that each relationship within the Braverman family face.

The story line that we connected with most this episode was the frustration Max’s history teacher felt every time Max answered a question in his class as well as his lack of ability to complete the answer. Although the teacher is aware of Max’s IEP, the teacher took the easy way out and chose to send Max to the library for the entire year. The teacher should have focused on Max’s knowledge, instead of isolating him and drawing attention to the situation and distracting the class.

Throughout this episode, the relationship between Hank and Max continues to get stronger. Hank was expressing his frustration about the photography shoot he was working on with Sara and Max was giving him valuable advice.  Max was able to identify with Hank because he too shares some of the same frustrations.

What did you think of last weeks episode? Are you ready for this weeks episode? Let us know what you think on our Facebook page.