When your toilet breaks, you call a plumber. When you don’t feel well, you call a doctor. When you want help overcoming life’s obstacles, you call a life coach.
The Role of a Life Coach
Unfortunately, life doesn’t come with a manual, but it did come with life coaches — professionals trained in helping people navigate life’s challenges and achieve their dreams. No matter what struggles your facing, a life coach can help you conquer them.
Personal Life
Here at Spectrum Strategies, we specialize in helping adults on the autism spectrum best manage their personal life. This includes:
- Caring for a home
- Cooking
- Food Shopping
- Time management
- Organizational skills
- Money management
Professional Life
The job market has never been more competitive. Whether you recently graduated high school college, or a trade school, landing a job in your desired field is not easy. At Spectrum Strategies, Debra Solomon helps clients prepare for interviews, create a resume, navigate LinkedIn, and so much more.
We believe that through determination and commitment, every client has the ability to successfully accomplish his or her goal.
Group Coaching
Want to meet other adults with similar interests and goals as you? Group coaching gives Debra’s clients the opportunity to meet with one another each week and visit with guest speakers Debra invites from the local business community.
Individual Coaching
Do you prefer more one-on-one attention? If so, you may prefer individual coaching. Debra develops a personalized plan to address a client’s specific needs. She creates action plans to guide the client step by step to help them achieve both personal and professional goals. What sets Debra apart from so many other coaches is that she takes students out of the classroom and into the real world. From grocery stores to shopping malls, Debra takes a hands on approach to learning.
Schedule a consultation today by filling out a form or emailing Debra directly at De***@sp***********.host.