For the most part, there are two people in this world — people who can’t wait to head back to school after a long summer and those who dread it. While some back-to-school jitters are normal, it’s important to recognize when these nerves become something more intense, like anxiety.

With the average student spending roughly 30 hours a week in class, it’s important that school be a place they enjoy going to, not fear. If you’re worried about starting the new school year, below are a few tips to help ease your nerves.  

The Week Before School Starts

  • Get to sleep at a regular time. Even though you don’t have to go to school tomorrow morning, it’s important to get your body back on a school sleep schedule.
  • Pick out a few outfits you’re going to wear when school starts. This will help you save time and brain power in the morning.
  • If you’re moving up to a new school, ask to take a tour before the first day of classes. In addition to finding the gym and cafeteria, take your schedule with you and map out a route to each of your classes.
  • Talk to friends about what you’re excited to learn and do this upcoming school year. The more you talk and think positively about the upcoming year, the more relaxed you’ll be.

The First Week of School

  • When you come home from school each day, tell your friends or family one thing that went well or excited you during the day.
  • If something didn’t go well, don’t keep it to yourself. Problems at school, like bullying or a difficult course load, can be dealt with and fixed, either by your parents, guidance counselor, or a teacher.
  • Pack your backpack and pick out your clothes the night before school.
  • Now that you’re starting to get papers and homework, keep yourself organized by spending a few minutes each night arranging your binders and folders. In certain cases, it may be a good idea to have a few folders or notebooks for one subject.
  • Set goals for yourself. While academic goals are important, they shouldn’t be your only focus — “make a new friend,” “try out for a sports team,” and “be more vocal in class” are just as important as getting an A.


Debra Solomon, founder of Spectrum Strategies has many services waiting for you. From time management and productivity workshops to individual coaching, she is an expert in her field. Debra is focused on training young adults on the Autism Spectrum to accomplish life and career goals, no matter how big or small. Call (516) 510-7637 for your one on one and let’s get you reaching for the stars!