The sun is setting earlier, the leaves are changing, and it’s finally time to sleep with your windows open — that’s right, fall is here! Whether you look forward to fall each year or dread its inevitable return, autumn is the perfect time to focus on health after many months of a carefree summer.
Physical Health
- Eat a diet high in fiber, protein, and iron. Especially in the fall, beans make a great addition to many foods.
- Break out of your fitness rut (if you’re in one) by trying out a new exercise regimen.
- Schedule a check-up with your doctor.
- Wash your hands before and after eating, as well as after going to the bathroom.
- Stay home if you’re sick! Not only will this prevent other people from getting sick, but you’ll also recover faster.
- Increase the amount of water you drink. And while you’re at it, decrease the number of sugary drinks (like soda and sports drinks) you have.
- Focus on foot health! If your sneakers are worn out from an adventurous summer, invest in a new pair.
- Try hard to get no less than seven hours of sleep each night.
- Reach for nuts when you’re in the mood for something to snack on between meals.
- Avoid drugs and tobacco completely and only drink in moderation.
Mental Health
Let us not forget that mental health is just as important as physical health!
- Know the signs of seasonal depression and don’t be afraid to reach out for help.
- With your busy summer now coming to an end, fall is the perfect time to catch up with friends you haven’t seen in a while or to do things you’ve been putting off.
- Avoid screens for two hours before going to sleep. This will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep.
- Take time to read for fun this summer. Bonus points if you replace phone time with reading time just before bed!
Debra Solomon, founder of Spectrum Strategies has many services waiting for you. From time management and productivity workshops to individual coaching, she is an expert in her field. Debra is focused on training young adults on the Autism Spectrum to accomplish life and career goals, no matter how big or small. Call (516) 510-7637 for your one on one and let’s get you reaching for the stars!